Autors: Stoilova, S. D., Munier, N. Title: Analysis of policies of railway operators using swot criteria and the Simus method: A case for the Bulgarian railway network Keywords: Multi-criteria analysis; Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCD Abstract: This paper presents a methodology for the assessment of the policies of railway operators using Strengths–Weakness–Opportunities–Threats (SWOT) criteria and the Sequential Interactive Modelling for Urban Systems (SIMUS) method.The methodology of the research consists of two stages.In the first stage, the alternatives of the policies for the railway operator are formulated; the criteria in the SWOT group are defined; and the values of the criteria are determined for each of the alternatives.In the second stage, the SIMUS method is applied to rank the alternatives and assess the criteria in the SWOT groups.The criteria are interpreted as objectives and linear optimizations are performed.The methodology was applied to the Bulgarian railway network. Three policies for railway operation were studied.The total number of 17 railway policies criteria in the SWOT group were defined and assessed.The methodology makes it possible to consider the alternatives simultaneously. References Issue
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Цитирания (Citation/s):
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