Autors: Mladenov, V. M., Kirilov, S. M.
Title: A Simplified Tantalum Oxide Memristor Model, Parameters Estimation and Application in Memory Crossbars
Keywords: memristor model; tantalum oxide; memory crossbar; nonlinear

Abstract: : In this paper, an improved and simplified modification of a tantalum oxide memristor model is presented. The proposed model is applied and analyzed in hybrid and passive memory crossbars in LTSPICE environment and is based on the standard Ta2O5 memristor model proposed by Hewlett–Packard. The discussed modified model has several main enhancements—inclusion of a simplified window function, improvement of its effectiveness by the use of a simple expression for the i–v relationship, and replacement of the classical Heaviside step function with a differentiable and flat step-like function. The optimal values of coefficients of the tantalum oxide memristor model are derived by comparison of experimental current–voltage relationships and by using a procedure for parameter estimation. A simplified LTSPICE library model, correspondent to the analyzed tantalum oxide memristor, is created in accordance with the considered mathematical model. The improved and altered Ta2O5 memristor model is t



    MDPI Technologies, vol. 10, issue 1, pp. 1-16, 2022, Switzerland, MDPI Technologies, DOI 10.3390/technologies10010006

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