Autors: Saeed Hassan., Kyosev Yordan., Atanasova, R. P., Terziev, A. K., Hertleer Carla.
Title: Application of ICT in the Online Education of Apparel Design and Production within the framework of ICT-TEX project
Keywords: ICT-TEX project, Online Education, Apparel Design and Produc

Abstract: One of the key lessons learned during the pandemic of COVID- 19 is that the digital education and adaptation of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) should not be viewed as an island on its own but should be considered as an integral part of all education and training. The ICT-TEX project is an EU-funded project which aims to integrate ICT in online education of textile and clothing. Within the framework of this project, deficiency areas have been identified with a comprehensive survey conducted across the project partner countries. A new course curriculum has been developed based on desk research, field research, surveys, and Gap Analysis. Eight modules (around 16 courses) according to the needs of the textile and clothing industry (TCI) will be developed within the framework of the project. This paper discusses the methodology of applying ICT in new course content for Apparel Design and Production which is a pilot course and serves as a benchmark for further development



    26th Scientific Conference on Power Engineering and Power Machines, vol. Volume 327, 2021, Bulgaria, E3S Web Conf.,

    Copyright EDP Sciences

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