Autors: Mitov, A. S., Slavov, T. N., Kralev, J. K., Angelov, I. I.
Title: GA-tuning of Multivariable PID Controller for Electrohydraulic Load-Sensing Servo System
Keywords: Genetic algorithm; Optimization procedure; PID controller; E

Abstract: The main purpose of this article is to present the design, optimal setting and experimental study of a multivariable PID controller supposed for electrohydraulic power steering system with load-sensing function. The set of the controller is performed through an optimization procedure based on a genetic algorithm. The PID controller is embedded into a microcontroller for mobile machinery used in laboratory test rig for investigation of an electrohydraulic servo steering system. Results obtained in conditions of physical experiment and numerical simulation with the optimally tuned PID controller are presented. An analysis of the control performance, as well as some features of the used method for setting the PID controller.



    26th Scientific Conference on Power Engineering and Power Machines, PEPM’2021, vol. 237, 2021, Bulgaria, EDP Sciences, ISSN 2267-1242

    Copyright E3S Web of Conferences, EDP Science

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