Autors: Spasov, G. V., Lishev, S. N., Pavlova, P. E.
Title: Application of distributed wireless measurements in wind tunnels
Keywords: Bluetooth, LoRa, WPAN, Wind Tunnel, WSN, ZigBee

Abstract: In recent years, a number of researchers have focused on expanding the possibilities for testing prototypes in wind tunnels. One of the main directions is the use of wireless sensor networks and technologies in measuring two groups of parameters - during a stationary test and during a flight in a controlled environment. In this article are examined several WSN protocols for use in data acquisition system suited for wind tunnel “Ulag-1”. It is performed an analysis on the different parameters of communication protocols like energy consumption, latency and data rate. The proposed system architecture is a platform for remote and wireless measurements in wind tunnels.



    Computer and communications engineering, vol. 15, issue 1, 2021, Bulgaria, TU Sofia, ISBN SSN 1313-2717

    Copyright TU Sofia

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