Autors: Tzanova, A. I., Stefanov, B. I.
Title: Setup for in situ monitoring of biofermentation processes based on chemoresistive gas sensors
Keywords: anaerobic biofermentation, biogas, chemoresistive gas sensor

Abstract: The paper presents a study on the anaerobic digestion of three substrates, based on expired dairy products (milk, yoghurt, and cream – with increasing fat content), in a bench-scale reactor with surplus activated sludge inoculate. Data on the biofermentation processes were obtained for a duration of 24 days using a chemoresistive gas sensor and used to estimate the differences along the three substrates. In all cases, the kinetic profiles were associated with a higher level of volatile species, present in the biogas, during the first 5-12 days, followed by a shift to products with lower reactivity and sensor response. In the case of the cream-based substrate the biofermentation kinetics were slowest, possibly due to its higher fat content. The study can be used as a proof-of-concept demonstration for the possibility to use inexpensive chemoresistive gas sensors for real-time monitoring of biofermentation processes.



    2021 13th Electrical Engineering Faculty Conference (BulEF), pp. 1-4, 2021, Bulgaria, IEEE, DOI 10.1109/BulEF53491.2021.9690830

    Copyright IEEE

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