Autors: Bogomilov, M., Mitev, G., Mitev, M. G., Nikolov, St., Petrova, P., Tsankov, L., Tsenov, R., Vankova-Kirilova, G., Zhelyazkov, G.
Title: High Energy Cosmic Rays detection by Bulgarian Extensive Air Showers Array (BEASA) Part III. Capture and processing of the detector output signals
Keywords: Extensive air shower (EAS), channel for time measurements, f

Abstract: This paper defines the requirements for the front end electronics used in capturing and formation of single scintillation detector output signal. Some possible structural solutions for the electronic blocks meeting these requirements have been presented below.


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ANNUAL JOURNAL OF ELECTRONICS, vol. 6, issue 1, pp. 40-43, 2012, Bulgaria, издателство на ТУС, ISBN ISSN 1314-0078

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