Autors: Nikolova, E. S., Ganev, B. T., Gieva, E. E.
Title: Wearable Intelligent Textile Suits for Telemetry Monitoring in Pediatrics
Keywords: electrocardiography; ECG; intelligent textiles; online healt

Abstract: The growing demand for opportunities for continuous online monitoring of biomedical signals leads to the rapid development of wearable technologies. The implementation of intelligent textile systems and materials in medical practice multiplies better results of the work of medical teams. With their help, diagnosis and treatment can be obtained anywhere, anytime, at an affordable price, without the need for patients to visit a medical center. When working with patients, especially in pediatric wards, the key issue is to preserve their ability to maintain daily activity within their habits, freedom of movement, movement, taking certain positions without interfering with the collection, recording and analysis. of biomedical signals. This would facilitate the process of accepting the monitoring and would lead to the provision of regularly received data on vital signs with the necessary quality for their diagnosis and treatment by the medical teams.



    XXX International Scientific Conference Electronics (ET), vol. Code 173511, pp. ISBN 978-166544518-4, 2021, Bulgaria, ET 2021, DOI 10.1109/ET52713.2021.9579896

    Copyright IEEE

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    Цитирания (Citation/s):
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    3. Velichkova R., Mihaylova A., Simova I., Pushkarov M. Assessment of Formaldehyde and TVOC Pollution from Laminate Burning in Buildings. CIEES 2024 - IEEE International Conference on Communications, Information, Electronic and Energy Systems. DOI: 10.1109/CIEES62939.2024.10811361 - 2024 - в издания, индексирани в Scopus или Web of Science

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