Autors: Syzonenko, O.S., Tashev, P.T., Prystash, M.P., Torpakov, A.T., Lypian, Ye.L., Dyakova, V.D., Kandeva, M. K., Taftai, E.T., Kostova, Y.K.
Title: Compaction of composites, dispersion-strengthened by nanoparticles, based on ti{tic system with the method of spark plasma sintering
Keywords: spark plasma sintering, metal matrix composite, elec- tric d

Abstract: The impact of the regime of high voltage electric discharge treatment of initial powder mixture in kerosene and ethanol on the structure, phase composition, hardness, microhardness, wear resistance and corrosion behaviour of metal matrix composites of Ti{TiC system consolidated by spark plasma sintering is studied. It is shown that consolidation of Ti{TiC powder mixture after high voltage electric discharge treatment in kerosene with \point{plane" electrode system allows increasing TiC content inconsolidated specimens from 24% to 30%.



    Engineering Sciences, vol. LVIII, issue 2, pp. 79-94, 2021, Bulgaria, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences in Sofia, DOI: 10.7546/EngSci.LVIII.21.02.07

    Copyright Bulgarian Academy of Sciences in Sofia

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