Autors: Levanov, I.L., Zadorozhnaya, E. Z., Kandeva, M. K., Lashmanova, V. L., Eschiganov, M. E.
Title: Predicting lifetime of internal combustion engine crankshaft journal bearings at the design stage
Keywords: service life, connecting rod bearing, wear

Abstract: The purpose of the article is to predict the service life time of the connecting rod bearing of an internal combustion engine. The technique of calculation is based on lubrication hydrodynamic theory and the molecular-mechanical theory of friction and wear fatigue theory. It includes several stages.The first stepis to set the load conditions of the engine. The second one is the definition of the forces acting on the connecting rod bearing. The third step is the calculation of the hydromechanical characteristics of the bearing such as the minimum of thickness of the lubricating layer, the maximal hydrodynamic pressure, the loss of power for friction, and others. The fourth step is the definition of the duration of the zone, where liquid friction is violated. The fifth step is the calculation of bearing wear for 720 degrees of crankshaft rotation (loading cycle) for each mode. Then the wear is recalculated taking into account the duration of each mode of operation.



    J Balk Tribol Assoc, vol. 27, issue 1, pp. 21-32, 2021, Bulgaria, SciBulCom Ltd, ISSN 1310-4772

    Copyright SciBulCom Ltd

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