Autors: Romansky, R. P. Title: Mathematical Modelling and Study of Stochastic Parameters of Computer Data Processing Keywords: computing; mathematical modelling; deterministic formalizati Abstract: The main goal of dispatching strategies is to minimize the total time for processing tasks at maxi-mum performance of the computer system, which requires strict regulation of the workload of the processing units. To achieve this, it is necessary to conduct a preliminary study of the applied model for planning. The purpose of this article is to present an approach for automating the in-vestigation and optimization of processes in a computer environment for task planning and pro-cessing. A stochastic input flow of incoming tasks for processing is considered and mathematical formalization of some probabilistic characteristics related to the complexity of its servicing has been made. On this basis, a software module by using program language APL2 has been devel-oped to conduct experiments for analytical study and obtaining estimates of stochastic parameters of computer processing and dispatching. The proposed model is part of a generalized environ-ment for program investigation. References Issue
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