Оригинал (Original)
Автори: Сотирова, Д. В.
Заглавие: Приложните етики във висшето училище: поуки и посоки на 30-годишното им преподаване в България
Ключови думи: приложна етика, административна етика, крос-културна етика,

Абстракт: The book summarizes the experience of introducing and teaching applied ethics in Bulgarian universities over the last three decades. The transformations, achievements and problems in the development of applied ethics are considered. The basis for sharing the experience is mainly what was done at the Technical University – Sofia. Precise details about the history and stages in the process of academic validation of ethical courses in Bulgarian University are proposed. The difficulties in establishing the applied ethical disciplines are analyzed. Emphasis is placed on some of them in detail, i.e. Administrative Ethics and Professional Ethics for Engineers, and Cross-cultural Business Ethics. The same is done with others, such as Management Ethics, Bioethics, and Business Ethics which are more widely known to the ethical community through other publications. А critical reflection and ethical analysis of the new code of conduct for civil servants adopted in April 2020 is proposed.



    , 2021, България, Фабер, ISBN 978-619-00-1343-3

    Издателските права се държат от Фабер

    Autors: Sotirova, D. V.
    Keywords: applied ethics, administrative ethics, cross-cultural ethics, engineering education, ethics, professionalism.

    Abstract: The book summarizes the experience of introducing and teaching applied ethics in Bulgarian universities over the last three decades. The transformations, achievements and problems in the development of applied ethics are considered. The basis for sharing the experience is mainly what was done at the Technical University – Sofia. Precise details about the history and stages in the process of academic validation of ethical courses in Bulgarian University are proposed. The difficulties in establishing the applied ethical disciplines are analyzed. Emphasis is placed on some of them in detail, i.e. Administrative Ethics and Professional Ethics for Engineers, and Cross-cultural Business Ethics. The same is done with others, such as Management Ethics, Bioethics, and Business Ethics which are more widely known to the ethical community through other publications. А critical reflection and ethical analysis of the new code of conduct for civil servants adopted in April 2020 is proposed.



      , 2021, Bulgaria, Faber Publishing House, ISBN 978-619-00-1343-3

      Copyright Фабер

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