Autors: Hinov, N. L., Hranov, T. H.
Title: Automated Test Measurements in Teaching of Power Supply Devices
Keywords: Automated Test, Teaching, Power electronics

Abstract: The paper presents experimental studies of transient and steady-state modes of operation of resonant DC-DC converters. The purpose is to automate and adapt them to the needs of Power Electronics training. The TMDSHVRESLLCKIT kit developed by Texas Instruments, which has magnetic components, was used. Emphasis is placed on investigating the effect of load on transient start-up processes. This is also important for the synthesis of control and tuning of the controller. In addition the frequency dependences of the output voltage are given, with different output currents, thus finding the maximum and minimum operating frequencies of the converter. Also, the dependence of the efficiency on the operating regimes and the frequency characteristics of the device were examined. This way, trainees gain a more complete overview of this type of converter, making use of modern measurement technologies much more convenient and intuitive.



    , 2020, Bulgaria, DOI 10.1109/EEAE49144.2020.9279036

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