Autors: Stoynova, A. V., Bonev, B. B.
Title: Influence of defect shape in quantitative thermography
Keywords: Infrared thermography; Defect shape; Thermal modeling and si

Abstract: This article examines the impact of the form of hidden defects on their detection and evaluation using flash and lock-in thermography. The influence of the defect shape on information characteristics of quantitative thermography has been studied through digital thermal modeling and simulation. The following information characteristics are analyzed and compared - amplitude and phase contrast, the temperature difference between defect and non-defect area, the moment of reaching maximum thermal contrast for different modes of optically active thermography. The results from the model study were experimentally verified using specially designed test specimens with artificial defects. The results obtained were evaluated, compared and analyzed.



    QIRT 2020, pp. QIRT-2020-141, 2020, Portugal, QIRT Council, ISSN:2371-4085/DOI: 10.21611/qirt.2020.141

    Вид: публикация в международен форум, публикация в реферирано издание, индексирана в Web of Science