Оригинал (Original)
Автори: Георги, И., Костов, И. Й., Пищийски, Й.
Ключови думи: асинхронен, двигател, безсензорно, скорост, оценка, MRAS

Абстракт: В статията се представят най-често срещаните и някои допълнителни модели, използвани за оценка на скоростта на двигателя, на база адаптивни системи с еталонен модел (Model Reference Adaptive System, MRAS). Това са моделите: на роторния магнитен поток; на роторния магнитен поток, комбиниран с наблюдател на статорния ток; на противо-е.д.н (точен и приближен модел); на реактивна мощност (изведени на основата на точния и приближен модел на противо-е.д.н.) и Mel оценител (модел елиминиращ потока на разсейване). Като настройващ механизъм е избран пропорционално-интегралeн (ПИ) закон. Изследванията са реализирани в средата на Matlab/Simulink. Изследвани са грешките на оценителните методики при празен ход и номинално натоварване на машината, също така и при работа в областта на ниските скорости.


  1. Йончев, Е.,, 2010, Безсензорно управляеми асинхронни задвижвания, Ph.D., <Technical University - Sofia>
  2. Ключев, В.И.,, 2001, Теория электропривода, Москва, Энергоатомиздат
  3. Спиров, Д.,, 2005, Реализиране на различни начини за определяне на скоростта при безсензорни системи за ориентация на магнитното поле, Международна конференция по електрически машини, задвижвания и енергийни системи – ЕЛМА, 2005, <Варна>, Варна
  4. Barut, M., M. Gokasan, S. Bogosyan, 2003, An Extended Kalman Filter based sensorless direct vector control of Induction Machines, The 29th International Conference of the IEEE – Industrial Electronics Society Vol.1, pp. 318-322, 2-6 Nov. 2003, <Istanbul>, Istanbul
  5. Bodkhe, S. B, M. V. Aware, 2009, Speed-sensorless, adjustable-speed induction motor drive based on dc link, International Journal of Physical Sciences, том Vol. 4 (4),, стр. стр. pp. 221-232
  6. Bojoi, R. P. Guglielmi, G. Pelegrino, 2008, Sensorless Direct Field-Oriented Control of Three-Phase Induction Motor Drives for Low-cost Applications, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, том Vol. 44 №2, стр. стр. pp.475-481
  7. Bose, B. K, 2007, Neural Network Applications in Power Electronics and Motor Drives – An Introduction and Perspective, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, том Vol. 54, № 1, стр. стр. pp. 14-33
  8. Chao Yang, J. W. Finch, 2009, A Comparison of Induction Motor Speed Estimation using Conventional MRAS and AI-Based MRAS with a Dynamic Reference, ModelAdvances in Electrical Engineering and Computational Science, Electrical Engineering, том Volume 39, стр. стр. pp. 75-85
  9. Filippich M.,, 2002, Digital Control of a Three Phase Induction Motor, The University of Queensland, Brisbane
  10. Holtz, J.,, 1993, Methods for Speed Sensorless Control of AC Drives, IEEE PCC – Yokohama, том 1, стр. стр. pp. 415-420
  11. Holtz, J.,, 2002, Sensorless Control of Induction Motor Drives, Proceedings of IEEE, том Vol. 90, № 8, стр. стр. pp. 1359-1394
  12. Ilas, C., A. Bettini, L. Ferraris, G. Griva, F. Profumo, 1994, Comparison of Different Schemes without Shaft Sensors for Field Oriented Control Drives, pp. 1579-1588, 1994, <IEEE IECON>, Bologna
  13. Kubota, H., K. Matsuse, T. Nakano, 1990, New adaptive flux observer for wide speed range motor drives, pp. 921-926, 1990, <Proc. Int. Confer. IEEE-IECON>, Pacific Grove, CA
  14. Landau, Y. D.,, 1979, Adaptive control - the model reference approach, New York, Marcel Decker
  15. Leite, A. V., Araujo, R.E. ; Freitas, D., 2004, Full and reduced order extended kalman filter for speed estimation in induction motor drives: a comparative study, pp. 2293-2299, 2004, <The 35th IEEE Power Electronic Specialists Conference>, ISBN: 0-7803-8399-0
  16. -Kowalska, T., M. Dybkowski, 2010, Stator current based MRAS estimator for a wide range speed-sensorless induction motor drive, IEEE Trans. Industrial Electronics, том 57 (4),, стр. стр. 1296–1308
  17. Schauder, C.,, 1989, Adaptive speed identification for vector control of induction motor without rotational transducers, pp. 493 – 499, 1989, <Conf. Rec. 1989 IEEE IAS Ann. Mtg>, San Diego CA
  18. Tamai, S. et al.,, 1987, Speed Sensorless Vector Control of induction motor with the model reference adaptive system, 189-195, 1987, <Proc. IEEE/IAS Annu. Meet.,>, IEEE/IAS
  19. Tarchala, G., M. Dubkowski, T. Orlowska-Kowalska, 2011, Analysis of the chosen speed and flux estimators for sensorless induction motor drive, pp. 525-530, 2011, <International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE),>, ISIE
  20. Vas, P., 1998, Sensorless Vector and Direct Torque Control, Oxford, University Press
  21. Yang, W., C. Xu, J. Jianguo, 2003, Speed Sensorless Vector Control of Induction Motor based on reduced order extended Kalman Filter, pp. 423-426, 2003, <IEEE The Fifth International Conference Power Electronic and Drive Systems>, ISBN: 0-7803-7885-7


Journal of the Technical University – Sofia Plovdiv branch, Bulgaria “Fundamental Sciences and Applications”, том 18, 2012, България, Пловдив, ТУ - София, Филиал Пловдив, ISSN 1310 - 8271

Пълен текст на публикацията

Autors: Georgi, I., Kostov, I. Y., Pishtiyski, Y.
Keywords: induction, motor, sensorless, speed, estimation, MRAS

Abstract: The paper presents the most widely used and some additional models, applied for estimating the induction motor speed based on Model Reference Adaptive System (MRAS) techniques. They are the Rotor-Flux,the Rotor Flux combined with Stator Current Observer, Back E.M.F (precise and approximate model), Reactive Power (precise and approximate model based on Back E.M.F. models) and Mel quantity estimators(model eliminated the flux-leakage from the reference model). The adaptive mechanisms is the Proportional-Integral (PI) control. Studies are carried out in the software simulation environment Matlab/Simulink. The error in the estimation of speed by no-load test and the rated load of the machine, also in the low-speed region is investigated.


  1. Йончев, Е.,, 2010, Безсензорно управляеми асинхронни задвижвания, Ph.D., <Technical University - Sofia>
  2. Ключев, В.И.,, 2001, Теория электропривода, Москва, Энергоатомиздат
  3. Спиров, Д.,, 2005, Реализиране на различни начини за определяне на скоростта при безсензорни системи за ориентация на магнитното поле, Международна конференция по електрически машини, задвижвания и енергийни системи – ЕЛМА, 2005, <Варна>, Варна
  4. Barut, M., M. Gokasan, S. Bogosyan, 2003, An Extended Kalman Filter based sensorless direct vector control of Induction Machines, The 29th International Conference of the IEEE – Industrial Electronics Society Vol.1, pp. 318-322, 2-6 Nov. 2003, <Istanbul>, Istanbul
  5. Bodkhe, S. B, M. V. Aware, 2009, Speed-sensorless, adjustable-speed induction motor drive based on dc link, International Journal of Physical Sciences, том Vol. 4 (4),, стр. стр. pp. 221-232
  6. Bojoi, R. P. Guglielmi, G. Pelegrino, 2008, Sensorless Direct Field-Oriented Control of Three-Phase Induction Motor Drives for Low-cost Applications, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, том Vol. 44 №2, стр. стр. pp.475-481
  7. Bose, B. K, 2007, Neural Network Applications in Power Electronics and Motor Drives – An Introduction and Perspective, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, том Vol. 54, № 1, стр. стр. pp. 14-33
  8. Chao Yang, J. W. Finch, 2009, A Comparison of Induction Motor Speed Estimation using Conventional MRAS and AI-Based MRAS with a Dynamic Reference, ModelAdvances in Electrical Engineering and Computational Science, Electrical Engineering, том Volume 39, стр. стр. pp. 75-85
  9. Filippich M.,, 2002, Digital Control of a Three Phase Induction Motor, The University of Queensland, Brisbane
  10. Holtz, J.,, 1993, Methods for Speed Sensorless Control of AC Drives, IEEE PCC – Yokohama, том 1, стр. стр. pp. 415-420
  11. Holtz, J.,, 2002, Sensorless Control of Induction Motor Drives, Proceedings of IEEE, том Vol. 90, № 8, стр. стр. pp. 1359-1394
  12. Ilas, C., A. Bettini, L. Ferraris, G. Griva, F. Profumo, 1994, Comparison of Different Schemes without Shaft Sensors for Field Oriented Control Drives, pp. 1579-1588, 1994, <IEEE IECON>, Bologna
  13. Kubota, H., K. Matsuse, T. Nakano, 1990, New adaptive flux observer for wide speed range motor drives, pp. 921-926, 1990, <Proc. Int. Confer. IEEE-IECON>, Pacific Grove, CA
  14. Landau, Y. D.,, 1979, Adaptive control - the model reference approach, New York, Marcel Decker
  15. Leite, A. V., Araujo, R.E. ; Freitas, D., 2004, Full and reduced order extended kalman filter for speed estimation in induction motor drives: a comparative study, pp. 2293-2299, 2004, <The 35th IEEE Power Electronic Specialists Conference>, ISBN: 0-7803-8399-0
  16. -Kowalska, T., M. Dybkowski, 2010, Stator current based MRAS estimator for a wide range speed-sensorless induction motor drive, IEEE Trans. Industrial Electronics, том 57 (4),, стр. стр. 1296–1308
  17. Schauder, C.,, 1989, Adaptive speed identification for vector control of induction motor without rotational transducers, pp. 493 – 499, 1989, <Conf. Rec. 1989 IEEE IAS Ann. Mtg>, San Diego CA
  18. Tamai, S. et al.,, 1987, Speed Sensorless Vector Control of induction motor with the model reference adaptive system, 189-195, 1987, <Proc. IEEE/IAS Annu. Meet.,>, IEEE/IAS
  19. Tarchala, G., M. Dubkowski, T. Orlowska-Kowalska, 2011, Analysis of the chosen speed and flux estimators for sensorless induction motor drive, pp. 525-530, 2011, <International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE),>, ISIE
  20. Vas, P., 1998, Sensorless Vector and Direct Torque Control, Oxford, University Press
  21. Yang, W., C. Xu, J. Jianguo, 2003, Speed Sensorless Vector Control of Induction Motor based on reduced order extended Kalman Filter, pp. 423-426, 2003, <IEEE The Fifth International Conference Power Electronic and Drive Systems>, ISBN: 0-7803-7885-7


Journal of the Technical University – Sofia Plovdiv branch, Bulgaria “Fundamental Sciences and Applications”, vol. 18, 2012, Bulgaria, Plovdiv, Technical University - Sofia, Plovdiv branch, ISSN 1310 - 8271

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