Autors: Tsokov, L. P., Penev, A. D.
Title: A conjugate heat transfer in a fixed-bed ceramic regenerator for air conditioning applications
Keywords: regenerator, ceramic matrix, air conditioning, efficiency, C

Abstract: A mathematical model of the conjugate heat transfer in ceramic regenerative heat exchangers aiming a heat recovery in air conditioning systems is elaborated. The transient thermal and fluid flow fields in such a regenerator are obtained via numerical solutions by the finite volume method. The models are validated by comparing the computed and measured outlet temperatures and the heat transfer coefficients obtained by the simulations and the theory of similarity. The results related to the heat transfer and the thermal efficiency of the regenerator are discussed.



    Journal of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, vol. Volume 55, pp. 1132-1139, 2020, Bulgaria, UCTM, ISBN ISSN 1314-7471, ISSN 1314-797

    Copyright UCTM 2005

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