Autors: Ganev, B. T., Nikolov, D. N., Marinov, M. B. Title: Performance Evaluation of MEMS Pressure Sensors Keywords: Allan deviation, barometric pressure sensor, MEMS, sensor no Abstract: Sensors for atmospheric pressure monitoring are important for many applications. They include indoor positioning, environmental monitoring, and more. This paper presents a study of the main characteristics of micromechanical atmospheric sensors. Four different models of microelectromechanical (MEMS) pressure sensors were studied. Some of the models along with the pressure measure additional parameters such as temperature, relative humidity, and air quality. The research evaluated the accuracy of the sensors, the impact of the change of basic atmospheric parameters on it, and their noise characteristics. The results show that low-budget MEMS pressure sensors offer many advantages for the efficient implementation of different applications. An important prerequisite for this is the use of appropriate algorithms for the fusion of sensor data, which can increase the reliability of their data. References Issue
Цитирания (Citation/s):
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