Autors: Tasheva Y.Ts., Dimitrov, E. T., Kuntchev L. P.
Title: Effect of treated gasoil under effective performance of engine
Keywords: Gasoil, Effective performance, Engine

Abstract: Pollution intensities measure total emissions per dollar of output for the production sectors of the economy. This paper presents quantitative assessment of the effect of modified gasoil under effective parameters of diesel engine. Comparative tests were made under bench conditions. The values of the power, economy and toxic performance of a diesel engine operating with standard fuel and modified gas oil have been determined. It is concluded that the operation of a Volkswagen 1.9 diesel engine with a modified gas oil results in a reduction in the exhaust gas temperature without altering its economic and environmental performance.



    Oxidation Communications, vol. 43, issue 3, pp. 536–544, 2020, Bulgaria, SCIBULCOM LTD, ISBN ISSN 0209-4541

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