Autors: Velichkova, R. T., Simova, I. S., Petrova, T. S., Naydenova, I. I., Markov, D. G., Atanasov, K. T.
Title: Modelling a test- rig for influence of acid rain on crops, soils and people
Keywords: acid rain, crops, test-rig

Abstract: The paper presents a test-rig for investigation of the acid rain on crops, solids and humans. The formation of acid rain and methods for the investigation of the contaminants in the soils and crops is discussed.



    Proceedings of XXIV Scientific conference with international participation FPEPM 2019, pp. 253-257, 2019, Bulgaria, ISSN 1314-5371

    Вид: публикация в национален форум с межд. уч.