Autors: Pleshkova, S. G., Panchev, K. V.
Title: Acoustic Sensor Network for Acoustic Measurements in Closed Rooms
Keywords: acoustic sensors, acoustic sensor network, Internet of Thing

Abstract: Due to the ever-increasing processing power of the acoustic nodes, Wireless Acoustic Sensor Networks (WASNs) are being assign more complicated and computationally demanding tasks. Recent research has started to exploit this increased processing power in order for the WSNs to perform tasks pertaining to audio signal acquisition and processing forming so-called wireless acoustic sensor networks (WASNs). Wireless acoustic sensor networks are a next-generation technology for audio acquisition and processing. In order for WASNs to cope with these increased demands, it is incontrovertibly apparent that efficient algorithms need to be develop. These algorithms must not only be computationally efficient but must also take into consideration several network wide design constraints in order efficiently allocate the limited resources of the nodes. The main aim of this article is, therefore, to incorporate these constraints into the design of Acoustic Sensor Network for Acoustic Measurements in C



    2018 International Conference on High Technology for Sustainable Development, HiTech 2020, 2020, Bulgaria,

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