Autors: Jivkov, V. S., Draganov, V. A., Stoichkov, K. K.
Title: The friction clutch as a variable transmission for mechanical hybrid driveline for vehicles with kinetic energy storage
Keywords: friction clutch, hybrid driveline, kinetic energy storage

Abstract: Efficient energy use is a real challenge nowadays. A widespread solution in case of vehicular applications is to capture the mechanical energy during braking modes, followed by its storage and consequent release during acceleration and cruising modes. Mechanical recuperation systems based on kinetic energy storages (KES) are considered as a promising alternative due to the lack of necessity for energy transformation. The simplest design of such systems suitable for retrofits is considered in the present work, which incorporates a friction clutch, used as a variable transmission between KES and drive wheels. An analytical solution for the necessary clutch kinematic transfer function is obtained based on Lagrange equation in case of inertial energy source and load, and a numerical example for short–term recuperation system with KES is presented. A corresponding clutch pressure control is proposed and methods for increasing the clutch transmission working ranges are also discussed.



    Jornal of the Balkan Tribological Assocoation, vol. 27, issue 1, pp. 164-178, 2021, Bulgaria, ISBN ISNN 1310-4770

    Вид: статия в списание, публикация в издание с импакт фактор, публикация в реферирано издание, индексирана в Scopus