Autors: Krasteva, R., Durakova, A., Bogoeva, A. L., Choroleeva, K.
Title: Influence of a lucuma-based carbohydrate beverage on athletes
Keywords: lucuma, endurance, maximum oxygen intake, maximum power, foo

Abstract: This study focuses on a carbohydrate-containing beverage with water, 1.5% skim milk powder and lucuma fruit powder (Pouteria Lucuma). The aim is to analyze the influence of the beverage on the sports performance of young men with different levels of motor activity. The analysis of the results was based on the changes in some biometric parameters and the level of motor activity of 8 young men (experimental group; EG) consuming the beverage half an hour before fitness exercises – bodybuilding workouts – within a three-month period of time. The results obtained from the tests were compared to the results shown by the 13 men in the control group (CG) for the same period of time without consuming the beverage. On the basis of the profiles of the respondents from both groups (EG and CG), we analyzed the changes in body composition and motor activity at the beginning and at the end of the threemonth period. The results obtained from the comparative analysis revealed that both groups manifest



    Journal of Applied Sports Sciences, vol. 1, pp. 99-112, 2020, Bulgaria, DOI 10.37393/JASS.2020.01.8

    Copyright Journal of Applied Sports Sciences

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    Цитирания (Citation/s):
    1. Thư, T. T. M., Thúy, V. T., Chi, H. T. K., Trân, V. N., & Lan, T. N. P. (2022). Tối ưu hóa tỷ lệ nguyên liệu, nhiệt độ nướng và ảnh hưởng của bao bì bảo quản đến tính chất bánh quy bổ sung lêkima. Tạp chí Khoa học Trường Đại học Cần Thơ, 58(5), 144-153. - 2022 - от чужди автори в чужди издания, неиндексирани в Scopus или Web of Science

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