Оригинал (Original)
Автори: Кралов, И. М.
Ключови думи: шум, релса, колоос, нива на звуково налягане

Абстракт: В тази работа е извършено експериментално изследване на шума, предизвикан от контакта колело-релса. Направени са измервания на нивата на звуково налягане при движение на колоос по релса с постоянна скорост.Чрез числено моделиране са определени собстените честоти на колооста и релсата и са сравненени с честотите на шума. Резултатите са анализирани и са напарвени изводи относно честотните параметри на заглушители за този шум.


  1. A report produced for Defra, 2003, Rail and wheel roughness - implications for noise mapping based on the Calculation of Railway Noise procedure, London, Defra
  2. A.Van Beek, M. Beuving, M. Dittrich, X. Zhang, H. Jonasson, F. Letourneaux, C. Talotte, M. Ringheim, Rail Sources-State of the art-Technical Report, Research and Technology Department Physics of the Railway System and Comfort, 05/08/2002.
  3. Bracialli, M. Pippert, S. Cervello, Railway noise: the contribution of wheels, 2009, Lucchini RS.
  4. Burkhard Schulte-Werning, D. Thompson, P. Gautier, C. Hanson, B. Hemsworth, J. Nelson, T. Paul de Vos, Noise and Vibration Mitigation for Rail Transportation, Systems, Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Railway Noise, Munich, Germany, 2007.
  5. C. Talotte, P.-E. Gautier, D. J. Thompson, C. Hanson, Identification, modelling and reduction potential of railway noise sources: a critical survey, Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 267 (2003), pp. 447–468.
  6. D. Thompson, C. Jones, T. Waters, D. Farrington, A tuned damping device for reducing noise from railway track, Applied Acoustics, Vol. 68 (2007), pp. 43–57.
  7. D. Thompson, Railway Noise and Vibration, p.6-10, p. 127-173, Elsevier, 2009.
  8. D. Thompson, C. Jones, А Рeview of the Мodelling of Wheel/Railnoise Generation, Journal of Sound and vibration, (2000) Vol. 231(3), pp. 519-536.
  9. M. Ogren, Noise emission from railway traffic, VTI Report 559, 2006
  10. P. Remington, Wheel/rail rolling noise, I: Theoretical analysis, BBN Laboratories Incorporated, Cambridge, Massachusets, 1987
  11. X. Xiao, X. Jin, X. Sheng, A Hybrid Model for Noise Generation from a Railway Wheel Due to Wheel/Rail Impact, Noise and Vi-bration Mitigation, NNFM 99, pp. 278–284, 2008
  12. X. Zhang, The directivity of railway noise at different speeds, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 329 (2010), pp. 5273–5288
  13. Кралов, И., К. Неделчев, И. Игнатов, Експериментално изследване на шума, генериран при движение на колоос по релсов път, Годишник на ТУ-София, бр. 62, София, 2012


годишник на ТУ-София, том 62, брой 5, стр. стр. 69-74, 2012, България, София, ТУ-София

Издателските права се държат от Годишник на ТУ-София

Autors: Kralov, I. M.
Keywords: acoustic noise, rail, wheel axle, noise-pressure level

Abstract: An experimental study of the wheel/rail noise generation is carried out in this paper. Measurements of the noise levels are recorded during pass by tests of a wheel axle with a constant velocity. The natural frequencies are calculated using numerical models of the system. They are compared with the frequency of the noise response. The results will be used in the process of design of noise barriers and absorbers


  1. A report produced for Defra, 2003, Rail and wheel roughness - implications for noise mapping based on the Calculation of Railway Noise procedure, London, Defra
  2. A.Van Beek, M. Beuving, M. Dittrich, X. Zhang, H. Jonasson, F. Letourneaux, C. Talotte, M. Ringheim, Rail Sources-State of the art-Technical Report, Research and Technology Department Physics of the Railway System and Comfort, 05/08/2002.
  3. Bracialli, M. Pippert, S. Cervello, Railway noise: the contribution of wheels, 2009, Lucchini RS.
  4. Burkhard Schulte-Werning, D. Thompson, P. Gautier, C. Hanson, B. Hemsworth, J. Nelson, T. Paul de Vos, Noise and Vibration Mitigation for Rail Transportation, Systems, Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Railway Noise, Munich, Germany, 2007.
  5. C. Talotte, P.-E. Gautier, D. J. Thompson, C. Hanson, Identification, modelling and reduction potential of railway noise sources: a critical survey, Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 267 (2003), pp. 447–468.
  6. D. Thompson, C. Jones, T. Waters, D. Farrington, A tuned damping device for reducing noise from railway track, Applied Acoustics, Vol. 68 (2007), pp. 43–57.
  7. D. Thompson, Railway Noise and Vibration, p.6-10, p. 127-173, Elsevier, 2009.
  8. D. Thompson, C. Jones, А Рeview of the Мodelling of Wheel/Railnoise Generation, Journal of Sound and vibration, (2000) Vol. 231(3), pp. 519-536.
  9. M. Ogren, Noise emission from railway traffic, VTI Report 559, 2006
  10. P. Remington, Wheel/rail rolling noise, I: Theoretical analysis, BBN Laboratories Incorporated, Cambridge, Massachusets, 1987
  11. X. Xiao, X. Jin, X. Sheng, A Hybrid Model for Noise Generation from a Railway Wheel Due to Wheel/Rail Impact, Noise and Vi-bration Mitigation, NNFM 99, pp. 278–284, 2008
  12. X. Zhang, The directivity of railway noise at different speeds, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 329 (2010), pp. 5273–5288
  13. Кралов, И., К. Неделчев, И. Игнатов, Експериментално изследване на шума, генериран при движение на колоос по релсов път, Годишник на ТУ-София, бр. 62, София, 2012


Proceedings of TU-Sofia, vol. 62, issue 5, pp. 69-74, 2012, Bulgaria, Sofia, TU-Sofia

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