Оригинал (Original)
Автори: Димова, Г. Т.
Заглавие: Сравнение на методите за окрехкостяване на метала на корпусите на реактори
Ключови думи: Reactor Pressure Vessel (RPV), Nuclear Power Plant (NPP), em

Абстракт: The nuclear materials of Reactor Pressure Vessel (RPV) in Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) are submitted to nigh temperature and pressure. A neutron induced embrittlement and thermal ageing of RPV materials are going. Scoping safety exploitation of NPP the embrittlement process must be study. The irradiation causes a shift of the initial critical brittleness temperature 0KT to the higher values (KTΔ). There are two ways for receiving the critical temperature shift – numerical and experimental. The scope of currentwork is to be made analysis of four numerical methods. The theoretical results are compared with data from surveillance specimens. It has a good correlation between calculated data (by Methods 2 and 3) and experimental one. The study is intended to assist in the development of the process of embrittlement of the RPV materials.


1.Международна конференция по дефектоскопия, 2017, България, Созопол, ISBN ISBN ISSN: 2603-4018 (print), 2603-4646 (online)
2.Списание "Научни известия на НТС по машиностроене", брой 1, стр. стр. 355-361, 2017, България, София, ISBN ISSN 1310-3946

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Autors: Dimova, G. T.
Title: Comparison of the embrittlement methods for metal of reactor pressure vessels
Keywords: Reactor Pressure Vessel (RPV), Nuclear Power Plant (NPP), embrittlement process, irradiations, critical brittleness temperature

Abstract: The nuclear materials of Reactor Pressure Vessel (RPV) in Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) are submitted to nigh temperature and pressure. A neutron induced embrittlement and thermal ageing of RPV materials are going. Scoping safety exploitation of NPP the embrittlement process must be study. The irradiation causes a shift of the initial critical brittleness temperature 0KT to the higher values (KTΔ). There are two ways for receiving the critical temperature shift – numerical and experimental. The scope of currentwork is to be made analysis of four numerical methods. The theoretical results are compared with data from surveillance specimens. It has a good correlation between calculated data (by Methods 2 and 3) and experimental one. The study is intended to assist in the development of the process of embrittlement of the RPV materials.


1.Proceedings from NDT days, 2017, Bulgaria, Sozopol, ISBN ISBN ISSN: 2603-4018 (print), 2603-4646 (online)
2.Scientific Proceedings of STUME, issue 1, pp. 355-361, 2017, Bulgaria, Sofia, ISBN ISSN 1310-3946

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