Autors: Vitkov, N. E.
Title: Safety Based Comparison Of Incineration And Gasification Technologies For Electrical Energy Production By Municipal Solid Waste In Bulgaria
Keywords: MSW, combustion, gasification, electricity production, explo

Abstract: This paper objective is to present the advantages and disadvantages of operating municipal solid waste (MSW) plants for the production of electricity in Bulgaria. The two most commonly used technologies are compared – direct combustion in a steam cycle combustion plant and thermal gasification with subsequent combustion of syngas in a gas turbine and secondary steam cycle generation. Tertiary organic cycle generation has not been considered since its energy benefits are too low. The focus is on the safety and environmental risks of both technologies. The specific risks and dangerous factors in the different technological processes from the preparation of the raw material to the cleaning of the final products of combustion are defined. In order to minimize the risks, especially in the case of gasification, technical and organizational measures have been formulated.



    , 2019, Bulgaria, ISBN 978-1-7281-2697-5

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