Оригинал (Original)
Автори: Момчилова, М. К.
Заглавие: Оптимистичният предразсъдък в медийните изследвания
Ключови думи: social media, artificial intelligence, infotainment, addicti

Абстракт: The boundary between reality and the sense of reality which social media platforms have created is about to disappear completely. Therefore, it is of importance to proceed with multidisciplinary research on the influence of social media upon the emotional and information needs of the individual. The present paper reviews two theories, a theory of sociology (The Thomas Theorem) and a cognitive theory (The Optimism Bias), and proposes their application in creating new software architecture algorithms which will accommodate the emotional environment of social media sites to the preferences of the individual so that all of their information and emotional needs are satisfied.



    Годишник на ФЖМК, СУ "Св.Климент Охридски", том 27, стр. стр. 149-163, 2020, България, ISSN 1311-4883

    Издателските права се държат от Факултет по Журналистика и Масова Комуникация

    Autors: Momchilova, M. K.
    Title: The Optimism Bias in Media Research
    Keywords: социални платформи, изкуствен интелект, инфотейнмънт, медия, зависимост




      Годишник на ФЖМК, СУ "Св.Климент Охридски", vol. 27, pp. 149-163, 2020, Bulgaria, ISSN 1311-4883

      Copyright Факултет по Журналистика и Масова Комуникация

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