Autors: Stoynova, A. V., Nenov, N. G., Bonev, B. B.
Title: Passive and active infrared thermography survey in the railway transport field
Keywords: railway, infrared thermography, failure inspection, remote c

Abstract: Structural degradation of many components of a railway system leads to many rail failures on rail networks. Therefore, there is an obvious need to use more innovative approaches by applying efficient remote survey technologies, data analysis and fast decision making. Thermography is an advanced NDT technique based on the detection of infrared radiation. This thermal technique for test and diagnostic, provides a fast, 2D and real-time inspection as well as a non-destructive testing. Unlike the passive thermography, the active thermography is a technique requiring external thermal excitation of the tested object. The two modes of thermography are based on infrared waves generated from the surface of the specimen captured by thermal imager. Effective approaches by using thermography technology for successfully studying of hidden defects in materials as well as in electrical and mechanical units of railway systems is developed. The main features of passive and different actives modes of t



    5th International Conference on Road and Rail Infrastructure CETRA 2018, 2018, Croatia, University of Zagreb,

    Copyright University of Zagreb

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