Autors: Kralov, I. M., Nedelchev, K. I., Gieva, E. E., Ruskova, I. N.
Title: Investigation of the influence of the number of rows in sonic crystal acoustic barriers with cylindrical elements on their acoustic characteristics
Keywords: soni crystals, acoustic barriers

Abstract: This paper investigates the change in the acoustic characteristics of the Sonic Crystal acoustic barrier as the number of rows on the barrier changes. The study was implemented with a 2D model of Sonic Crystal acoustic barrier with cylindrical profiles of base elements in COMSOL Multiphysics® environment. The effect of increasing the row number of the Sonic Crystal acoustic barrier with vertical cylindrical profiles on the change in the acoustic characteristics of the barrier is investigated. The rows increase with a constant and/or variable distance. An experiment was conducted to verify the results of the numerical study with COMSOL Multiphysics®. The results of the study are analysed and will be used in the design of Sonic Crystal acoustic barriers. REFERENCES



    AIP Conference Proceedings 2333, 2021, Bulgaria, DOI 10.1063/5.00420352333, 090030

    Copyright AIP Conference Proceedings

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