Autors: Georgiev Y., Zhivkov I., Takov, T. B., Angelov, G. V., Prikryl R., Stritesky S., Honova J., Weiter M. Title: Vacuum-deposited diphenyl-diketo-pyrrolopyrroles structures with photoelectrical applications Keywords: Diphenyl-diketo-pyrrolopyrroles (DPP); PVD of thin DPP films Abstract: Modern organic semiconductor devices are designed as stacked organic/inorganic thin films. In such multilayer structures, strong requirements are set forth to the properties of the specific films, e.g., film homogeneity, thickness uniformity and roughness. The physical vacuum deposition (PVD) technique fulfils all of these requirements having even the capability of producing the whole multilayer structure in the same vacuum cycle. Diphenyl-diketo-pyrrolopyrroles (DPP) are low-molecular-weight materials with promising luminescence and photoelectrical properties. This study deals with PVD of thin DPP films and measurement of their properties. The organic films and inorganic electrodes of the multilayer structures were prepared in the same vacuum cycle, and then the structures were encapsulated in a glove box avoiding exposure to oxygen. ITO|composite|Al structures were prepared with active DPP-C60 composite films (ratio 60:40 mass %) of about 100 nm thicknesses. The surface morphology o References Issue
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