Autors: Angelov, G. V.
Title: Surface potential modeling of a high-k HfO2-Ta2O5 capacitor in Verilog-A
Keywords: Device modeling, compact models, PSP, circuit simulation, hi

Abstract: A compact model of a high-k HfO2–Ta2O5 mixed layer capacitor stack is developed in Matlab. Model equations are based on the surface potential PSP model. After fitting the C– V characteristics in Matlab the model is coded in Verilog-A hardware description language and it is implemented as external library in Spectre circuit simulator within Cadence CAD system. The results are validated against the experimental measurements of the HfO2–Ta2O5 stack structure.



    International Journal of Microelectronics and Computer Science, vol. 3, issue 3, pp. 111-118, 2012, Poland, ISSN 2080-8755

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