Autors: Gieva, E. E., Rusev, R. P., Angelov, G. V., Hristov, M. H., Takov, T. B.
Title: Microelectronic differential amplifier functionally analogous to hydrogen bonding network
Keywords: Hydrogen bonding network, microelectronic circuits, biocircu

Abstract: A microelectronic circuit functionally analogous to hydrogen bonding network is developed and analyzed. The simulations, carried out in Matlab, demonstrate that the Matlab biocircuit emulates the behavior of the conventional electrical circuit of a differential amplifier. The real microelectronic circuit with output characteristics that are similar to the output characteristics of the hydrogen bonding network is implemented in CADENCE. The CADANCE circuit shows very good agreement with its Matlab counterpart.



    Annual Journal of Electronics, vol. 4, issue 1, pp. 42-45, 2010, Bulgaria, ISSN 1313-1842

    Full text of the publication

    Цитирания (Citation/s):
    1. E. Gieva, “Behavioral Modeling of a Circuit Functionally Analogous to Hydrogen Bonding Network with Water Molecules”, Annual J. of Electronics, 2012, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 31-34. ISSN 1314-0078 - 2012 - в български издания

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