Autors: Velchev, Y. S.
Title: An Approach for Multichannel ECG Compression Using HOSVD
Keywords: compression, ECG, HOSVD, tensor decomposition, wavelet

Abstract: A novel approach for multichannel electrocardiogram compression is presented in this paper. It is based on tensor decomposition for inter-beat and inter-lead redundancy minimization as a first stage. The intra-beat correlation is exploited using ID wavelet compression of the result obtained from the first stage. Finally, the resulting tensors and matrices are serialized and entropy encoded. The achieved compression ratio is as high as 17 with acceptable restoration error.



    28th National Conference with International Participation, TELECOM 2020 - Proceedings, pp. 25-28, 2020, Bulgaria, DOI 10.1109/TELECOM50385.2020.9299549

    Copyright IEEE

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