Autors: StefanovaStoyanova, V. V.
Title: Challenges and new aspects for the development of IoT in the Modern World
Keywords: Internet of Things, microcontroller, sensors, communication

Abstract: Today, the technological world operates in a cloud environment and it is difficult to imagine any modern technology without IoT (Internet of Things or the connection of many different devices and the exchange of data between them). As we use our connected devices and pour large amounts of data into this "sea" called the IoT, it grows to "oceanic" proportions. Such a huge system requires high technology and serious skills to continue to function. Do we have what we need to develop, maintain and provide IoT protection? One of the main topics in the IoT space is the young age of technologies and services and the companies that provide them. Dealing with this "youth" or "immaturity" and managing the risk they create are among the main challenges to using IoT. In some technological areas, more skills are needed to overcome specific obstacles.



    Computer and communications engineering, vol. 14, issue 1, pp. 26-30, 2020, Bulgaria, ISSN 1314-2291

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