Autors: Ivanov, S. C., Ivanova, Y. N.
Title: Reducing Energy Losses in Realising MOSFET Control by an Active du/dt Feedback Driver
Keywords: Active gate control , MOSFET , power electronics , Switching

Abstract: Abstract: The paper presents a method and a device for active control of power transistors, operating in a switch mode. The achieved goals are related to reduction of the dynamic energy losses when controlling the key elements. The driver circuitry limits the electromagnetic radiation, eliminates the need of using RC protection groups and increases the operational reliability of power transistors. An analytical model of the studied driver scheme has been made and results from the conducted experimental studies during the MOSFET control have been given. A comparison with a commonly used driver scheme has been drawn up.



    2020 7th International Conference on Energy Efficiency and Agricultural Engineering (EE&AE), 2020, Bulgaria, ISBN:978-1-7281-0362-4/DOI: 10.1109/EEAE49144.2020.9279094

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