Autors: Borovska, P. I., Lazarova, M. K.
Title: Efficiency of parallel minimax algorithm for game tree search
Keywords: Combinatorial Optimization, Game Tree Search, Parallel Minim



    Proc. of 8th International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies (CompSysTech'07), vol. 285, 2007, Bulgaria, ACM ICPS,

    Цитирания (Citation/s):
    1. C. Hu, X. Wu, T. Qian, H. Luo and J. Wang, An Improved Knowledge Base for Chinese Chess Game, Proc. of 4th IEEE Information Technology, Networking, Electronic and Automation Control Conference (ITNEC), Chongqing, China, pp. 1486-1490, doi: 10.1109/ITNEC48623.2020.9085142 - 2020 - в издания, индексирани в Scopus или Web of Science
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    12. L. Li, H. Liu, H. Wang, T. Liu and W. Li, A Parallel Algorithm for Game Tree Search Using GPGPU, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Vol. 26, No. 8, pp. 2114-2127, doi: 10.1109/TPDS.2014.2345054 - 2015 - в издания, индексирани в Scopus или Web of Science
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