Autors: Pavlova, P. E., Borisova E., Pavlova El., Avramov L.
Title: Adaptive technique for matching the spectral response in skin lesions' images
Keywords: skin lesions’ images, chromatic adaptation

Abstract: The suggested technique is a subsequent stage for data obtaining from diffuse reflectance spectra and images of diseased tissue with a final aim of skin cancer diagnostics. Our previous work allows us to extract patterns for some types of skin cancer, as a ratio between spectra, obtained from healthy and diseased tissue in the range of 380 – 780 nm region. The authenticity of the patterns depends on the tested point into the area of lesion, and the resulting diagnose could also be fixed with some probability. In this work, two adaptations are implemented to localize pixels of the image lesion, where the reflectance spectrum corresponds to pattern. First adapts the standard to the personal patient and second – translates the spectrum white point basis to the relative white point of the image. Since the reflectance spectra and the image pixels are regarding to different white points, a correction of the compared colours is needed. The latest is done using a standard method.



    Journal of Physics Conference Series, vol. 594, issue 1, pp. 1-10, 2015, Bulgaria, ISBN ISSN: 1742-6596 Print ISSN: 1742-6588

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