Autors: Georgiev, N. P., Raychev, R. P.
Title: Study of a linear generator with permanent magnets converting sea wave energy into electricity
Keywords: ANSYS; generator; FEMM; linear; sea waves

Abstract: This paper studies the output electrical parameters of a linear generator with permanent magnets without an iron core for three types of electrical connection of its windings. Software simulations have been performed by means of ANSYS 2019 R1 and FEMM, and experimental studies of the linear generator have been carried out. A model has been obtained, which simulates the operation of the generator under study with good level of precision. The optimal scheme of connecting the generator windings, which is suitable for practical realization, has been determined.



    9TH INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE "TechSys 2020", 2020, Bulgaria, IOP, DOI 10.1088/1757-899X/878/1/012019

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