Autors: Antonov, S. I., Vo, T., Nguyen., T.N., Nguyen.
Title: A research of optimization of the forming parameters to the minimum radial dimension error when forming sheet by hotspif technology
Keywords: Forming Parameters, Forming Sheet, HOT SPIF, Optimization, R

Abstract: Single Point Incremental Forming (SPIF) technology has become popular and familiar for forming sheet, especially in single, small and prototype batch production in many fields such as medicine, aviation, automobile.. However, sheet materials with high hardness and durability are difficult to deform and shape because of their high properties. In that case, if we determine a set of logical suitable technological parameters such as temperature T (°C), speed of forming Vxy (mm/min), vertical tool feed z (mm) and tool diameter D (mm) for single point incremental forming at high temperature (Hot SPIF) technology we will get high precision dimension product. The paper presents a study to optimize the main technological parameters when processing non-alloy Titanium sheet materials by HOT SPIF technology to get the smallest error in the radial direction of the product.



    Key Engineering Materials, vol. 863, pp. 13-17, 2020, Vietnam, Trans Tech Publications Ltd,

    Цитирания (Citation/s):
    1. F. Qian, “Numerical Simulation of Hot Stamping Forming of AZ Series Magnesium Alloys and Optimization of Die Process,” Journal of Chemistry, vol. 2022, Article ID 6484242, 7 pages,, 2022. - 2022 - в издания, индексирани в Scopus или Web of Science

    Вид: пленарен доклад в международен форум, публикация в издание с импакт фактор, публикация в реферирано издание, индексирана в Scopus и Web of Science