Оригинал (Original) | |||||
Автори: Ленгеров, А. Д., Салапатева, С. Ч. Заглавие: Автоматизирано оразмеряване конструкциите на възли от машиностроителните изделия при използване на компенсатори Ключови думи: машиностроене, CAD, размерни вериги, размерен анализ Абстракт: В статията са представени резултати от получените зависимости за определяне размерите и броя на компенсаторите при сглобяване на възли от машиностроителните изделия. Създаден е алгоритъм за автоматизирано оразмеряване с нерегулируеми компенсатори Библиография Издание
| Autors: L, A. D., S, S. C. Title: AUTOMATED DIMENSIONING OF ASSEMBLY STRUCTURES OF MACHINE TOOLS BY USING COMPENSATORS Keywords: CAD, dimensional analysis, dimensional chains, mechanical engineering Abstract: The article presents the results of the obtained dependencies for determination of the dimensions and the number of compensators in assembling units of machine tools. An algorithm for automated dimensioning with non-adjustable compensators has been developed. With the high precision of the final units and a large number of constituent units, it is economically unfeasible to assemble the machine tools by methods of complete or incomplete interchangeability, and by selecting the details. In these cases of medium and large series production assembly with compensators is applied. A characteristic feature in the use of compensators is that there is an initial unit that is different from the final unit. This is the dimension that has to be provided by the assembly process, by changing the compensator’s dimensions. Compensators are variable structure elements with variable dimensions – distance bushings, springs, plastic deformable parts, screw pairs, etc. The focus of attention of this ar References Issue
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