Autors: Tsochev, G. R., Trifonov, R. I., Nakov, O. N., Gotseva, D. A.
Title: A Case Study Research on Intrusion Detection System
Keywords: artificial intelligence, network and information security, i

Abstract: Network and information security nowadays is a very topical issue. The application of fuzzy rules to IDS for a computer network within the framework of soft-based information security methodologies improves IDS's decision-making capability and, in turn, the network. In this article, reason logic is considered as a way to detect attacks in trafficking research. An experimental study was conducted using the MatLab and Fuzzy Logic Toolbox software. The traffic is predefined and passed to the entrance of the experimental training.



    Computer and Communications Engineering, vol. 12, issue 1, pp. 13-17, 2018, Bulgaria, ISSN 1314-2291

    Вид: статия в списание, публикация в реферирано издание