Autors: Mihaylova, D. A., Valkova-Jarvis, Z. V., Iliev, G. L.
Title: Relation of Optimal Pilot Offsets in the Shifted Constellation-Based Method for the Detection of Pilot Contamination Attacks
Keywords: Channel estimation, inter-cell interference, pilot contamina

Abstract: One possible approach for maintaining the security of communication systems relies on Physical Layer Security mechanisms. However, in wireless time division duplex systems, where uplink and downlink channels are reciprocal, the channel estimate procedure is exposed to attacks known as pilot contamination, with the aim of having an enhanced data signal sent to the malicious user. The Shifted 2-N-PSK method involves two random legitimate pilots in the training phase, each of which belongs to a constellation, shifted from the original N-PSK symbols by certain degrees. In this paper, legitimate pilots’ offset values and their influence on the detection capabilities of the Shifted 2-N-PSK method are investigated. As the implementation of the technique depends on the relation between the shift angles rather than their specific values, the optimal interconnection between the two legitimate constellations is investigated.



    International Journal of Computer and Information Technology (IJCIT), 2018, vol. 12, issue 8, pp. 649-653, 2018, Switzerland, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (WASET), ISSN: 2279-0764; DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1474405

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