Autors: Ivanova, M. S., Durcheva, M. I.
Title: Applying fuzzy logic and rule-based approach to facilitate teachers in eassessment
Keywords: eAssessment, Fuzzy set theory, rule-based approach, TeSLA

Abstract: The teachers play an important role in eAssessment not only as evaluators, but also as designers of assessment activities which have to be created according to the course curriculum and suitable pedagogical scenario. During three pilots performed in Technical University of Sofia, the TeSLA system as an innovative solution with its five instruments was tested. The teachers had to decide which instrument/instruments to use according to the type of an assessment activity as well as which instruments are suitable for the course at whole to achieve its aim, keeping the specifies of pedagogical strategies. The paper proposes a solution for decision making that gives the teachers a rating list with appropriated instruments according to the type of an assessment activity and suggests suitable instruments when two or more assessment activities must be performed. For this purpose, the Fuzzy sets theory and rule driven approach is applied.



    IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, vol. 15, issue 4, pp. 1-7, 2018, Mauritius, IJCSI, ISSN (Print):1694-0814/ISSN (Online):1694-0784/DOI:10.5281/zenodo.1346017

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