Autors: Koleva, N. V.
Title: Conceptual Framework to Study the Role of Human Factor in a Digital Manufacturing Environment

Abstract: Nowadays, the dynamics of technologies development, as well as continuously growing customers‟ requirements, put industrial enterprises from around the world before the necessity of rethinking old strategies and building new dynamic business models, in order to successfully continue operating in today‟s conditions of a highly competent market environment. The digitalization takes a key position in this new scenario, where modern industrial enterprises should fit. Digital technologies, as well as the opportunities they create, are the main moving power, which enterprises should stake upon, to successfully raise their own efficiency. One of the biggest threats caused by the digital transformation of operations is for the people to be replaced by the machines. The present paper offers a conceptual framework of a methodology for investigating the role of human factor in a digital manufacturing environment.



    , 2019, Bulgaria, ISSN 2534-8582

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    Цитирания (Citation/s):
    1. Варадинова, Ю. (2019), Оценка на качеството на предлаганата транспортна услуга от железопътния товарен транспорт в България, XVII Международна научна конференция “Мениджмънт и инженеринг’19”, ISSN 1310-3946, pp.392-399. - 2019 - в български издания

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