Autors: Andonova S., Baeva, S. K. Title: OPTIMIZATION OF THE THERMO-MECHANICAL FUSING PROCESS Keywords: optimization; thermo-mechanical fusing process Abstract: The thermo-mechanical fusing (TMF) process is one of the main technological processes in the garment industry. Research and analysis of it is especially important for the quality of garments. Some investigations were made to determine the effect of individual parameters on the TMF process. In order to achieve optimal quality indicators for TMF with energy and time saving, is create a mathematical model of the function connecting the output parameter with the input factors. This model describes the influence of the pressure, the temperature of the pressing plates and the mass per unit area of the basic textile materials on the duration of the TMF process. Obtaining an adequate mathematical model of the process creates real conditions for its optimization. The aim of the present work is to investigate and optimize the function describing the relationship between the output parameter and the input factors in TMF. References Issue
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