Оригинал (Original)
Автори: И. Пейчев., Кандева-Иванова, М. К.
Заглавие: Характеризиране на композитни покрития, нанесеничрез газотермична свръхзвукова струя (HVOF-процес) при различни технологични режими
Ключови думи: Tribology, Wear-resistanse, HVOF-coatings, gas-thermal compo

Абстракт: The paper presents the results obtained for hardness, porosity and roughness of three type gas-thermal composite coatings deposited through HVOF – technology, using three type powder composites for three technological regimes of deposition. The results are given in tables and as diagrams. The optimum regime of coating deposition as regards the enumerated above characteristics is being determined. The investigation is related to the topic and is funded by the Ministry of Education and Science according to the contract ДУНК-01/3 of the Technical University – Sofia entitled „Development of University Research Complex for Innovations and Knowledge Transfer in the area of micro/nano technologies and materials, energy efficiency and virtual engineering”.



    Tribological Journal BULTRIB, том 2, стр. стр. 187-197, 2012, България, Cофия, ТУ – София, ISBN ISBN 1313-9878
    Autors: I. Peychev., Kandeva, M. K.
    Title: Characterizing Of Composite Coatings Deposited Through Gas-Thermal Super Sound Stream (Hvofprocess) At Different Technological Regimes
    Keywords: Tribology, Wear-resistanse, HVOF-coatings, gas-thermal composite coatings

    Abstract: The paper presents the results obtained for hardness, porosity and roughness of three type gas-thermal composite coatings deposited through HVOF – technology, using three type powder composites for three technological regimes of deposition. The results are given in tables and as diagrams. The optimum regime of coating deposition as regards the enumerated above characteristics is being determined. The investigation is related to the topic and is funded by the Ministry of Education and Science according to the contract ДУНК-01/3 of the Technical University – Sofia entitled „Development of University Research Complex for Innovations and Knowledge Transfer in the area of micro/nano technologies and materials, energy efficiency and virtual engineering”.



      Tribological Journal BULTRIB, vol. 2, pp. 187-197, 2012, Bulgaria, Sofia, TU-Sofia, ISBN ISBN 1313-9878

      Цитирания (Citation/s):
      1. ПЛАМЕН ТАШЕВ, Внасяне на наночастици в течната фаза при заваряване, Издателство на БАН „Проф. Марин Дринов“, С., 2020, монография, 191 стр. - 2020 - в български издания
      2. PLAMEN TASHEV, Possibilities For Addition Of Nanosized Particles In Gas Metal Arc Welding,Engineering Sciences, LVIII, No. 1, 31-51, DOI: 10.7546/EngSci.LVIII.21.01.03 - 2021 - в български издания

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