Autors: E. Assenova., V. Majstorovic., A. Vencl., Kandeva, M. K.
Title: Green Tribology And Quality Of Life
Keywords: tribology, quality of life, sustainability and safety of sys

Abstract: Every system is immersed in its surrounding. The changes in this interaction (contact) leading to degradation processes will affect the safety of the system. If the processes of changes are in a steady state, it can be considered that the system is safe. Sustainability includes the quality merits. Being the science and technology of the tribological aspects in the ecological balance and environmental impacts, Green tribology can be used with the purpose of saving of energy and materials, as well as of enhancement of the environment and the quality of life. Following the principles of green tribology, by identifying safety-related requirements early in the development of the system, special design and technologies can be used throughout the system life to conduct its safe development and evolution.



    International Journal of Advanced Quality, vol. 40, issue 2, pp. 1-6, 2012, Serbia, 3University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

    Full text of the publication

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