Autors: Kalimanova, I. I., Diakov, D. I., Nikolova, H. N., Miteva, R. P.
Title: Geometry Measurement of Waveguide Components by Coordinate Measuring Machine
Keywords: Geometric measurements,XFEL waveguide distribution system

Abstract: Deviation of size, shape and location are key geometric parameters defining the quality of mechanical components of XFEL waveguide distribution system. The requirements to waveguide components, problems, posed by the specificity of objects under measurement, and the procedures created for measurement of their geometry is discussed in this paper.



    UNITECH’15, pp. pp. 233-239, 2015, Bulgaria, Университетско издателство "В. Априлов" - Габрово, ISBN ISBN 1313-230Х

    Цитирания (Citation/s):
    1. Железаров Ил., Системи за управление на качеството, Габрово : Унив. изд. "Васил Априлов", 2019, ISBN 978-954-683-600-7 - 2019 - в български издания
    2. Василев В., Система за измерване на геометрични параметри на голямогабаритни валове, 2019, Софттрейд, ISBN 978-954-334-215-0 - 2019 - в български издания

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