Autors: Pereira, V., Tavares, F., Mihaylova, P., Mladenov, V. M., Georgieva, P. Title: Factor Analysis for Finding Invariant Neural Descriptors of Human Emotions Keywords: Factor Analysis, Neural Descriptors, electroencephalogram, b Abstract: Amajor challenge in decoding human emotions fromelectroencephalogram(EEG) data is finding representations that are invariant to inter- and intrasubject differences. Most of the previous studies are focused in building an individual discrimination model for every subject (subject dependentmodel). Building subject-independent models is a harder problem due to the high data variability between different subjects and different experiments with the same subject.This paper explores, for the first time, the Factor Analysis as an efficient technique to extract temporal and spatial EEG features suitable to build brain-computer interface for decoding human emotions across various subjects. Our findings show that early waves (temporal window of 200–400ms after the stimulus onset) carrymore information about the valence of the emotion. Also, spatial location of features, with a stronger impact on the emotional valence, occurs in the parietal and occipital regions of the brain. All discriminationm References Issue
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