Оригинал (Original)
Автори: Ангелова, Й. С.
Заглавие: Модел на борсов пазар на електрическа енергия
Ключови думи: Energy Exchange; Trading; Electrical energy; Stock market mo

Абстракт: The presented material gives a common vision of some existing patterns of structuring energy exchanges in some European countries. It is done of assessment of the Bulgarian Independent Energy Exchange through the viewpoint of the author of the publication. The aim is to analyze the existing stock market in Bulgaria, as well as assessed some of the existing models for working on the exchange and trading with electricity.


  1. STAYKOV., K., 2018, Analiz na promenite i usloviata za targovia s elektricheska energia v Bulgaria, Sofia, Institut za pazarna ikonomika
  2. KONSTANTINOV, K., 2017, Participation of the IBEX in the market coupling of the countries of Southeastern Europe, Sofia, 2017, <Sofia>, VII Regional Conference


XVII МНК „Мениджмънт и инженеринг“19, стр. стр. 74-81, 2019, България, Созопол, Сборник трудове - ТУ-София, ISBN ISSN 1314-6327

Издателските права се държат от VII Regional Conference

Пълен текст на публикацията

Autors: Angelova, J. S.
Keywords: Energy Exchange; Trading; Electrical energy; Stock market model

Abstract: The presented material gives a common vision of some existing patterns of structuring energy exchanges in some European countries. It is done of assessment of the Bulgarian Independent Energy Exchange through the viewpoint of the author of the publication. The aim is to analyze the existing stock market in Bulgaria, as well as assessed some of the existing models for working on the exchange and trading with electricity.


  1. STAYKOV., K., 2018, Analiz na promenite i usloviata za targovia s elektricheska energia v Bulgaria, Sofia, Institut za pazarna ikonomika
  2. KONSTANTINOV, K., 2017, Participation of the IBEX in the market coupling of the countries of Southeastern Europe, Sofia, 2017, <Sofia>, VII Regional Conference


XVII ISCME'19, pp. 74-81, 2019, Bulgaria, Sozopol, Collection - TU-Sofia, ISBN ISSN 1314-6327

Copyright VII Regional Conference

Full text of the publication

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