Autors: Vencl A., N. Vaxevanidis., Kandeva, M. K.
Title: A Bibliometric Analysis of Scientific Research on Tribology of Composites In Southeastern Europe
Keywords: Tribology, Southeastern Europe, Publications, Citations, Ana

Abstract: In recent years there is a small but increasing number of articles presenting and/or analyzing the scientific production from discrete geographical regions on a certain scientific topic. These articles applied the so-called bibliometric methods in order to evaluate the contribution of different countries in a scientific research field. In the present work, the research output of all countries in Southeastern Europe on the scientific field of composites tribology is presented by using bibliometric indicators such as the total number of publications and citations, the average number of citations per publication, and the h-index. Analysis spans the last ten years and the required scientific data in order to calculate the bibliometric indicators were retrieved using the Scopus® scientific database.



    IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, vol. 724, issue 1201, 2020, Romania, IOP Publishing, doi:10.1088/1757-899X/724/1/012012, ISSN:1757-8981

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